Is Your Sewing Machine Thread Correctly? Handy Checklist
Do the following checks before sewing, to ensure your machine is threaded properly and ready to start sewing:
- Top thread between tension wheels.
- Tension is set to approx 3 – 4.
- Thread is tightly wound on spool/bobbin.
How to Thread up Sewing Machine
Domestic machines are usually threaded in a similar way. If you don’t thread your machine correctly, your threads may snap and become tangled in the machine.
- When the top thread is threaded correctly, it is in the shape of the letter “N”.
- Place bobbin in case so bottom thread unwinds anti-clockwise.
Top Machine Threading Tips
- Use top thread holding disc, to stop thread unwinding too quickly.
- After threading machine, pull top and bottom thread out at least 10cm.
What is Stopping my Machine Sewing?
A sewing machine that is incorrectly threaded, can make the machine stop sewing. Use the check list below of common mistakes, to ensure your machine is threaded correctly.
- Thread needs to be between tension wheels.
- Cheap, thin thread will snap, change your thread.
- Check bobbin winder is released, if your needle is not moving.
Plastic or Metal Spool for Sewing Machine?
Remember plastic to plastic, metal to metal!
A spool also known as bobbin, is the small cylinder wheel that holds the bottom thread on a sewing machine.
Which bobbin/ spool you use depends on the case, the spool is put in. Usually plastic spools drop into the top base of the machine. Metal spools are placed in a removable bobbin case, that fits in the side of the machine.