Category: Sewing Tips

  • How to Fit a Sleeve Like a Professional

    When learning how to make clothes it can be tempting to sew a dress together, before fitting the sleeves. This can be fiddly and make it harder to fit the sleeves. Instead to fit the sleeves of a garment follow these step: Learn How to Add Ease, Gathers to Top of Sleeve Fitting Sleeve Cuff…

  • How to Gather Fabric, Add Ease Dressmaking

    When fabric is gathered, this is sometimes known as adding ease. Gathers need to be added to certain pieces of fabric when dressmaking to help it curve. For example when sewing a curved hem or fitting the shoulder of a sleeve. How to Add Ease Gathering There are many ways to add ease into a…

  • Hand Stitches for Making Clothes, Beginners Guide

    When sewing clothes together, sometimes sewers will use hand-stitch to stitch the pieces together first.This can make it easier to check all the pieces are matched correctly, before machine sewing them. See below videos and top-tips on how to hand-sew: How to Knot Thread into Fabric How to Stitch Running Stitch Running stitch also known…

  • How to Sew in a Zipper Beginners Guide

    Fitting zips can be tricky for for beginners. This post will show you how to fit a zip on a seam. Such as on the back seam of a dress, side of a skirt or on a zipped purse. Watch the video below for top tips on how to fit a zip. Including what sewing…

  • How to Sew Hook and Eye

    A hook and eye can be stitched onto a garment, such as blouse or dress. It is fastening that is often used to fasten necks and waistband closed. Sew on Hook and Eye Tip Tips For more sewing tips subscribe below:

  • When to Iron, Dressmaking Beginners Guide

    When sewing it is important to iron often. This will help clothes, cushions and bags look professional when finished. When to Iron Dressmaking? Below are areas that need to be ironed once stitched: How to Protect Fabric Ironing Always use a piece of cotton fabric to cover sewing before ironing. This stops fabric getting burned or…

  • How do you iron on interfacing before sewing? Beginners

    Interfacing is a fabric that is added when sewing garments. To help stiffen and support areas of the garment such as: Different Types of Interfacing Interfacing comes in different thicknesses, that can be used depending on the style of garment. For example heavy weight interfacing would work better for a winter coat and light weight for making…

  • When to Backstitch, Learn to Use Sewing Machine

    Modern sewing machines usually come with a switch that makes the machine stitch backwards. As a beginner it can be tempting to back-stitch at the start and end of every line. Worrying that your sewing will come undone. If you are doing alot of sewing, doing this will slow you down and is not necessary.…

  • How to Thread a Sewing Machine Beginners

    Is Your Sewing Machine Thread Correctly? Handy Checklist Do the following checks before sewing, to ensure your machine is threaded properly and ready to start sewing: How to Thread up Sewing Machine Domestic machines are usually threaded in a similar way. If you don’t thread your machine correctly, your threads may snap and become tangled…

  • Stitching Stretchy Fabric, Seams Beginners Guide

    Stretchy clothes need to be sewn together in a different way, to non stretchy woven fabrics. Stretchy fabrics if stitched with a standard straight stitch, when stretched the thread will snap and come undone. Learn more about, “Different types of stretch fabrics and stitches”. How to Stitch Stretchy Fabrics When sewing stretchy fabrics together use…