Basic Stitches Beginners Session Practise Sheet

Welcome to your first online “Sew Sub Club” sewing course!

This course is designed to help you learn how to use your sewing machine and practise basic stitches.

The session includes 6 tasks to practise stitching basic stitches:

  1. Straight Stitch
  2. Zig-zag Stitch
  3. Stitching Corners
  4. Stitching Curves
  5. Sewing a Star
  6. Over-locking Edges

Use your basic stitches practise sheet during this session. To complete tasks in the step by step videos below:

Top 10 Sewing Tips

To get the most out of learning to sew online watch the video below before starting your session. Get top 10 sewing tips.

Get to know your sewing machine!

For extra help with your sewing machine see link to more videos below. They include how to thread machine and what to do when it jams.

Basic Stitches Session Intro

Now you are ready to start practise sewing basic stitches on your sewing machine, by following the step by step videos below.

Task 1 Straight Stitch

Task 2 Zig-zag stitch

Task 3 Stitching Corners

Task 4 Stitching Curves

Task 5 Stitching a Star

Task 6 Over-lock Edges

End of Session

Sewing Support

If after watching the videos you are struggling see the sewing support section for extra help.