When to Iron, Dressmaking Beginners Guide

When sewing it is important to iron often. This will help clothes, cushions and bags look professional when finished.

When to Iron Dressmaking?

Below are areas that need to be ironed once stitched:

  • Seams after stitching, fold out and iron flat.
  • Facing once fitted, iron flat when turned right-way.
  • Iron corners and curves, after turning right-way round.
  • Hems can be ironed flat before stitching into place.
  • Iron on interfacing needs to be attached before sewing.

How to Protect Fabric Ironing

Always use a piece of cotton fabric to cover sewing before ironing. This stops fabric getting burned or marked. Teflon heat resistant sheets or baking paper work best and can be reused.

Best Iron for Making Clothes

When sewing it is helpful to keep the iron set-up and heated. I find the best irons are steam generator irons. They hold a lot of water, can be kept on and come with a stand for the iron.

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