Stretchy clothes need to be sewn together in a different way, to non stretchy woven fabrics.
Stretchy fabrics if stitched with a standard straight stitch, when stretched the thread will snap and come undone. Learn more about, “Different types of stretch fabrics and stitches”.
How to Stitch Stretchy Fabrics
When sewing stretchy fabrics together use a zig-zag stitch. This type of stitching will not snap when the fabric is stretched, instead it will stretch with the fabric.
- To zig-zag stitch stretchy fabric, set your machine to zig-zag stitch. This stitch can be used to sew seams and hems.
- The stitch does not need to be very wide, experiment with the width and length of the stitching.
- A thinner zig-zag stitch may look better when top stitching hems and bias binding.
Stitching Stretchy Fabric On Sewing Machine
A domestic sewing machine can be used to stitch zig-zag stitch. Yet if you have an overlocker machine they are ideal for sewing stretchy fabrics.
- Overlocker machines seam and overlock the edges of stretchy fabric at the same time.
- This machine will stitch the stretchy fabric together, whilst sealing the edge of the fabric.
- Be sure to check your garment pattern before doing this, as you may need to make your seam allowance smaller. Using a seam allowance of 0.5cm.
- Straight stitch may be used on areas of the garment that don’t stretch. Such as when top-stitching neck facing.
What Needle to Use for Stitching Stretchy Fabric?
When stitching stretch fabric it is better to change the sewing machine needle. To use a needle that is especially designed to sew stretchy fabric.
- Use a ball point jersey needle to stitch stretchy fabrics.
How to Sew Stretchy Garments, Top Tips
Top tips for sewing stretchy garments.
- No darts, stretchy clothes may not need darts.
- No ease, tops of sleeves may not need gathering.
- No interfacing, it may rip when it is stretched.
- No facing, often bias binding is used instead of facing.
Use a cover stitch machine to finish stretchy fabric garments. A cover stitch machine can be used to top stitch the hems and necklines on clothes made with stretchy fabric.
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