Learn how to sew corners and curves. See the handy tips below, to get your corners and curves looking great.
How to Stitch Corners Sewing
Stitch Corners Step by Step
- To get a sharp corner when stitching sew to the corner of the point.
- Before turning the fabric lower the needle down in the fabric.
- Once the needle is in the fabric, raise the machine foot.
- The needle will hold the fabric in place, whilst still allowing it to pivot.
- Turn the fabric to the new stitch-line, lower foot and carry on stitching.
How to Stitch Curves Sewing
Stitching Curves Step by Step
- When sewing curves take it slow.
- Stitch a little, slowly, whilst gradually turning the fabric.
- Focus where you need to be heading, the line the stitch should follow.
- Chalking the stitch-line before sewing can help as a guide to follow.
How to Cut Corners Sewing
When sewing items such as cushions that have right angle corners, the corners need cutting to stop them being hard and bulky.
Cutting Corners Step by Step
- When the item inside out, cut diagonally across the corner at a 45 degree angle.
- Cut across the seam allowance, as close to the stitching as possible, without cutting through it.
- This will take away the bulk when the corner is turned the right way round.
- To further sharpen the corner, use a blunt pencil to gently push out the corners.
How to Snip Curves Sewing
When sewing items that have curved seam, the seams need snipping so the edges fold flat.
Snipping Curves Step by Step
- The snip the seams allowance, leaving a gap of 1cm between snips.
- Cut as close to the stitching as possible without cutting through it.
Top Stitch Curves
This is a trick that helps neck facing lie straight, once you have snipped your curve and folded it over.
- Ensure that you stitch the snipped seam allowance to the back facing.
- This is made easier by folding out the fabric, so it is facing upwards.
- Then stitch a line close to the seam-line on the facing fabric, with the seam allowance tucked under.
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