How to Sew a Seam for Beginners

When I stitched my first bag together, I was so happy. Yet my bag did not look like the bags sold in shops, it was wonky.

When learning how to sew it is important to sew straight seams, to stop finished items looking wonky.

What is a seam?

A seam is when two pieces of fabric are stitched together.

To get straight seams, you must stitch in a straight line. Ensuring the seam allowance is the same width and even.

What is a Seam Allowance?

A seam allowance is the gap between the fabric edge and your sewing line.

  • In dressmaking the seam allowance is usually 1.5cm or 1/2 inch.
  • The seam allowance on a dressmaking pattern maybe marked as S.A.
  • When sewing you need to keep your seam allowance the same width.

Top Tips:

  • Straight stitch can be used to seam most fabrics.
  • Use zig-zag stitch seaming stretchy fabric.
  • Keep your seams straight by using a seam allowance guide.

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