Organising a vintage fashion catwalk show is exciting along with its own challenges. I have organised many fashion shows to show my designs. When I worked as a fashion lecturer I would also organise show every year to show the students work. Below are my top tips:
What you will need:
- A Venue
- Models
- Designers
- Catwalk
- Music
- Make-up Artists
- Promotional Material
Organise a Fashion Show
- Fashion shows are a great way for designers to gain exposure. For models to get experience and for events organisers to add to their CV.
- Organising a fashion show can be great fun. It is a brilliant way to meet people and get involved in the local community. It takes a person with a professional approach, excellent organisation. Good social skills to pull off a successful fashion show.
- If you have never organised a fashion show read my tips below and give it a go. Enthusiasm counts for a lot and you may unlock hidden talents.
You will need Fashion Models, Photographers….
- Create a buzz around your fashion show by getting fashion minded people involved. Advertise on social media. Post adverts looking for models and photographers. Make-up artists, designers, front of house and backstage helpers.
- Organise a fashion show recruitment meeting. Where you can meet anyone interested in getting involved and swap ideas. You will need to set a firm deadline for the show. Present recruits with a list of meetings, any rehearsals at the earliest opportunity.
- Once you have the right people, with the right skills on board you can really start planning. Make sure everyone involved is given a role. That they are fully briefed on their responsibilities.
Marketing your Fashion Show
- Advertise your fashion show in as many places as possible. Use online networking social platforms and local advertising to advertise your event. You are more likely to get people from your surrounding community coming.
- Approach your local press, ask them to do an article about the fashion show. Print or make posters and flyers. Distribute them in colleges, community centres and nightspots. Finally do not forget good old word of mouth. The more people that are involved in the show the quicker the word spreads and the more tickets you will sell.
- Negotiate a free venue by offering a percentage of ticket sales. Or by guaranteeing numbers attending for money behind the bar. Offer incentives for people and businesses to get involved free of charge. Offer free advertising space in promotional material. This can be used as exchange for their time, items for the raffles, goodies bags or sponsorship deals.
- Sell tickets in advance for the show. Include extras such as goodies bags or reduce prices to increase early bird sales.
- Ask individuals or businesses for sponsorship. Offer different level sponsorship packages. For example £20.00 sponsorship includes advert in programme. £40 pound includes advert in programme and advert on posters.
- Any profit made is at your discretion, a better idea is to donate it to a local charity. People will work harder and be more generous if they know any money raised is going to a good cause.
Planning a Fashion Catwalk Show
- Before the big night have full walk through, dress rehearsal. Planning every second of the show is a must, timing is key to all running smoothly on the night. The fashion show will need to be broken down into scenes. A scene is maybe a designers collection or a break for refreshments.
- Produce a detailed line-up for the fashion show. Consider in what order are the designers scenes going to be. Which models have they been allocated and how many clothes as being shown per scene. Ask will the models have enough time to change garments. Too give time for clothes changes, breaks for refreshments. Guest speaker can be slotted in between designers collections.
- Remember models, stylists and designers need to arrive early at least an hour before the show. They will need time to get organised for example getting models hair and make-up ready.
- Front of house staff will be needed to work on the door. Checking tickets, showing guests to seat, distributing programmes and answering any questions. You will need to nominate a stage manager to control the music and lighting. They will need a good view of the catwalk and have all equipment necessary.
The Night of the Fashion Show
- It’s show time, lights, cameras and models at the ready. Get your show rocking with up-beat music. An enthusiastic introduction from the fashion show host.
- To create a real buzz invite local journalist, influencers and photographers. Give them prime position at the end of the catwalk. Cameras flashing as models pose and strut will create a real catwalk atmosphere. Add an extra dimension to your fashion show, include a charity auction and guest speakers. This will keep the audience interested between scenes and encourages audience participation.
- Why not have a X factor style panel made up of local celebrities. Make it their job to judge the designers work and select a winning collection.
- In true catwalk style. End the show with designers and models on stage to receive their applause from the audience. Remember to thank all involved, from the make-up artists to the ticket collectors on the door.
- The buzz on the night is a really great feeling, the more you plan in advance the more you will enjoy the show. Good luck!
Top Tip: Use the vintage fashion catwalk show to build your own personal brand. Use photos from the event to promote yourself once it’s over.
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